TOOLS FOR SIGHTED: Love and Light Blind Care, Oudenburgweg 34A
8490 Varsenare-Jabbeke (tel 050/386821) -
- INVALIDITEITSAANVRAAG: social service through your health insurance.
§ 66% disability: possibly entitled to financial compensation ( "third party assistance and tax breaks) / using yellow stick.
§ 80% disability: use of white cane / reduction of license money) / / one for disabled parking and telephone reduction.
§ 90% disability: the reduction in public transport.
§ 100% disability: exemption from road tax on vehicles.
- HELP SENIORS: In every town there are facilities for seniors: cleaning service / food service / personal alarm (available through mutual insurance company, hospital, municipal and CPAS)
- NEWSPAPER OF WEST-FLANDERS: Regional news on cassette (instead of newspaper): Duboisstr 15,
8800 Roeselare, 051/221212 (including information on audiobook).
- THE STANDARD / Het Nieuwsblad / De Gentenaar: can get floppy. The viewing software is included in the subscription. The price is no more than a normal subscription.
- CASSETTES to read texts from the latest newspapers and magazines: Vzw
- Prog Braille, Stadsomvaart 7, 3500 Hasselt. Tel: 011/223437
- CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS: Light and Love: 050/386821 / Friends of the blind and partially sighted, Princess Elisabeth Laan 57, 8401 Bredene. Tel: 059/502828
- SOCIAL WELFARE (including applications for disability and guidance): Your health insurance or social services Blindenzorf (Jeruzalemstr 19, 8000 Brugge Tel: 050/343069 / /-Martin Cemetery ST-7, 8500 Kortrijk Tel: 056/218594 / / Recollettenlei 6, 9000 Gent Tel 09/2259529 / / Brailleliga Gent: Assistant for West-Vlaanderen: Mrs Vande Mergel, phone after every Tuesday morning at tel 09/2259648)
- PROVIDE TEMPORARY RELIEF OF RELATIVE: Horriestr 12, 8800 Roeselare Tel: 22.99.99
- EXCURSIONS SIGHTED: Amandstr ST-5A, 88OO Roeselare tel: 051/222242 - there are hotels, that are adapted to visually impaired (eg on the English coast in Weston-super-Mare and Bognor Regis)
- INFO VISION, Kapucijnenvoer 33, 3000 Leuven. Tel 016/212392: Technical support center for visually handicapped. One can go for advice and information. The center publishes a quarterly technical "info vision magazine" with a detailed description of new tools (normal pressure / large print / Braille / disc). Price: 600 fr / y.
- VERGROTINGSPROGRAMMA'S (Computer) Sensotec, Snaggaardstr 3, Bruges - 050.394949
* demonstrations can at the Service of blind care in 3010 in Leuven Kessel-lo:
E. Solvaystr 77 -
- Vigin VZW, Stormestr 46, 8790 Waregem, Tel / fax: 056/608123: Objective: help visually handicapped in their familiar home environment to optimize their zelfredbaarheid. Also integration in education and professional activity is pursued. In addition, organized group activities and a library resources and services.
- City Library, Long Nieuwstr 105, 2000 Antwerp tel free printed catalog of audiobook / books are sent free of charge by
· All libraries have "large-letter books, letters, larger!
- FUND FLEMISH: intervenes for devices, which is not between INAMI: adaptations of houses / displacement of visually handicapped aids: dog + learning movement techniques with a white stick / talking calculators + TV-loupes / educational assistance to higher education / computer services for visually handicapped: image magnification / synthetic voices / scanners / braileprinters.
- Never make a purchase, before you've made a request. What you have
- Purchased is not refundable! Contact Address: Roland Bonte - Magdalena-str 20,
- 8200 Brugge (St. Andries) - Tel: 050.390921 - Fax: 050.393680. For Ontario: G.
- Callierlaan 94-96 - 9000 Gent. Tel: - Fax:
- BENEFITS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN 65 Y: Ministry of Social Welfare Service for concessions - Black Lievevrouwstr 3 C - 1000 Brussels - Tel: 02.5480810.
- TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL TOOLS FOR USE BY SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION IN THE ORDINARY: Ministry of the Flemish Community, department of education - special education service organization - Koningstr 138 - 1000 Brussels.
Tel: - Fax:
- FLEMISH Handi GUIDE: free guide with list of all social facilities for the disabled: the Ministry of the Flemish Community, Welfare Department, Family and Social Welfare Administration, Management General welfare, Markiesstr 1-1000 Brussels. There is also a convenient guide to the federal government. You can change these questions to: Department of Social Welfare, Department disability, Black Lievrouwstr C 3, 1000 Brussels. Tel: 02,509. 81.25. At the last address you can also request information about Fiscal advantages to disabled.
- Spermalie INSTITUTE: School for the visually impaired: Snaggaardstr 9-8000 Bruges Tel: 050.340341
- While Perfection FOR THE CHILDREN: Info for RVA, career-breaks service, 7 Imperial Avenue, 1000 Brussels. If you are part-timing for your child to educate, and then become unemployed, you will enjoy some advantages.
- CPAS: You can find material and financial support, if you're in need of help. They can also help you to a social housing and all kinds of services (eg cleaning help). You can contact the CPAS through your health insurance. Directly address the CPAS to Tielt: Blanket Darraslaan 19, 8700 Tielt. Tel. : 051/40.06.40. You can also go for renting a "personal alarm": this is a toestelletje that the disabled or the elder's neck hangs. When problems pushed the button, so central is informed, who then contact the family or friends.
- ELDERLY AID: All authorized services are grouped under: Service for family and elderly assistance, St Janstr 32-38, 1000 Brussels. Tel: 02.5150415
- NURSE AT HOME: You can get information at the following addresses:
vzw Home Care Home health
Pr. Kennedy Park 2 8500 Kortrijk
056/23. 03.81
Contact: Els Noppe
Solidarity for the Family
H. Horriestraat 12
8800 Roeselare 051/22.99.99
Contact: M. Deraedt
White-Yellow Cross
Gruuthuusestraat 26 8700 Tielt
Contact: B. Dewinter 051/20.83.45
Kring Independent Nurses
Regio Tielt
H. Verriestraat 4
8800 Roeselare
The independent team of nurses
in collaboration with Home Care
Family Care, W. Vl. vzw ..
Bruggestraat 48 8700 Tielt
051/40.04.43 Contact: Lieve Ravelingien
- INFO SPECIAL EDUCATION: Special Education Service, Koningstr 136-138, 1000 Brussels. Tel: Most will ask council to local PMS centers. In Tielt you can find free education in Bruggestr 42 Tel: 400,895 and the state education: Gruuthusestr 92 Phone: 402,347.
- Student ': Min of Flemish Community - Education Department. Center for information and documentation, Koningstr 71, 1000 Brussels. Tel:
- Mutualiteit: off sick for Others facilities
- FLEMISH DIABETES ASSOCIATION, Ottergem steenweg 456, 9000 Gent. Tel: 09/220.05.20
- ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND AND SIGHTED (KMB): Van Schoonbekestr 114, 2018 Antwerpen - - fax: 03.248.0863. This is a pluralistic organization that can help with applications for disability and mental processing of your disability. It can also display a number of tools and rental (on request of ophthalmologists!). They can also give an independent training + guide you (in groups or individually) to the activities of daily life better. There are 4 times a year trips organized by culture, recreation and sport for the visually impaired. The organization may also arrange the purchase of a blind dog run!
- WORK FOR SIGHTED: center for professional guidance of Braille League can assist and advise in terms of wage subsidies (up to half of the major handicaps to pay!): . The grants are possible: CLA 26 (severe disability) or Flemish involving premium (less severe disability). Enrollment in the Flemish Fund is still needed! Other useful addresses in terms of work: (= website of the Flemish Fund for Social Integration of Persons with Disabilities / / / / diversity --
- FRIENDS OF THE BLIND-FLANDERS SECTION: Ganzestr 9 -8670 Koksijde - - email: @ vrienden.der.blinden - helped to West - and East Flanders: Brigitte Vervenne - 058.510001 - offer: guided training for blind dogs / free time planning: cassettoteek / Sports Department / meetings / meals / holidays at home - and abroad / cinema / Social Service (for increased individual independence in daily life) / service donations and bequests / business: custom work / residential services for adults / Rest Home 'Princess Paola'